Spoken Beta V0.7.5: Project Mastering And Email Account Creation.

When you have a release as momentous as 0.7 last week, it's good to have a bit of a breather release in the interim… but even interim release 0.7.5 deserves some celebration. 

With the rapidly expanding breadth and depth of our voice library, compounded by the amazing custom-designed voices offered in Spoken Studio, it’s really important not to lose sight of an Author’s main objective.

To give their writing its voice. And we want to do that in the best, easiest way possible.

To ensure the highest quality and integrity for projects published on the Spoken Network, we’re thrilled to introduce "Mastering" as an option for all projects to meet and exceed audiobook streaming standards. 

In addition, due to popular demand, and to provide even more flexibility, we’ve added the ability to create your user account on Spoken with an email address and password instead of requiring users to utilize Google or Apple authentication. 

Let’s dive in.


You now have the choice to utilize Audio Mastering when publishing your project. This  thoroughly tackles inconsistent voice volumes and background noise to deliver clear, uniform audio across your work. It is especially beneficial when using Multi-Character / Multi-Voice (MCMV) where there’s a greater likelihood of audio disparity. Spoken's mastering also ensures every Spoken work meets modern audiobook and streaming standards, providing the best playback fidelity (across all types of speakers, be it headphones, car, phone, etc.) for the most consistent listening experience.

Note that adding mastering adds significant time to complete your last "Publish" step, but we'll email you when it is complete. You can estimate the amount of time as roughly ½ as much time to master your work as the length of your longest installment's audio.


Along with Google and Apple account logins, new users can now register using an email and password.


With additions such as Audio Mastering, and more to come, The “Finish Up” tab has been relabeled “Publish”.



  • iOS image uploads

  • Audio playback fixes

  • The ability to stop the passage generation and narration processes


“Turn the page for BookTok. Spoken Empowers Authors & Readers in the Post-TikTok Era”


2025 Spoken Staff Picks: Celebrating the first to “Give their writing its voice.”